Katie Hits Celebrity Status in Yellowknife 2010

Katie was recently interviewed by the Yellowknifer (Yellowknife, NWT main newspaper) to talk about the Sisterhood of the Traveling Hammers and the sister’s upcoming Habitat for Humanity volunteer adventure in Zambia.  As you can imagine, there are tons of stories to cover in Yellowknife so this is a huge honor (ok….slight sarcasm there ;-).  But, in all seriousness, congrats to Katie!!KT-Yellowknifer

Click on the image to the right to read the Yellowknifer article.

2 thoughts on “Katie Hits Celebrity Status in Yellowknife 2010

  1. I worked with a woman named Katie Turnbull back in 1988 during a work term with the NWT Land Use Planning Commission (others there were Arthur Boutilier, Doug Desjardins, Hal Mills, Leslie Green-Herter). I’m wondering if this is the same “Katie Turnbull” – if so, its particularly great to stumble upon this article.

  2. Hi Jay. Wow this is so cool. I remember working with you in Yellowknife. It’s so nice to get a comment from you. Sorry it took me so long to reply!

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